Family Engagement & Partnerships

Parents, we welcome all families and recognize you as the first line of education with your child.  We invite you to be active members of our Pre-School community.  If you wish to visit and share a special custom your family celebrates:  a meal, a song, a story, an experience, we invite you to reach out and schedule a time to do so.

In addition, we will reach out to our families to discuss student progress twice throughout the school year.  Should you have questions or concerns, we are happy to meet with you more often throughout the school year.

Parents of Pre-School only students are required to complete 15 service hours throughout the school year.  The hours are due to be completed by May 15, 2020.  You may earn your volunteer hours through your students classroom or a variety of different, school-wide functions.  Log in here to submit your volunteer hours  Contact your student’s teacher for more details, or please read the school-wide weekly newsletters here.